Norfolk Safaris Education

Join us on a Norfolk Safari and embark on a voyage of discovery!

“Learn loads through new experiences, exploration and play in the fresh air of the inspiring north Norfolk Coast.”

learning and education on the beach
  • Get up close and personal with the young fish and crabs living in the back sea channels.
  • Study seaweeds, shells, egg cases and other treasures you may collect.
  • Multisensory encounters:
    • see the beautiful Sea Lavender in full bloom
    • hear the rushing sound of the sea in a small shell
    • feel the rough texture of Goose Barnacles
    • smell the salty seaside air
    • taste some wild sea flora (if you dare)
  • Go back in time with local pirate tales and ancient curiosities.
  • Understand some of challenges our coasts face today
  • Foster your creativity with some natural beach art
beach art